Wednesday, February 13, 2013

mischievous otis

So I moved my painting studio from my work office to my home at the beginning of the year. I never had the pleasure/challenge of painting with my kitties nearby. One of the first days of having everything set up and spread out around me Otis comes to see what I am up to. Not even giving it a moments thought he steps right on my palette of paint. Right smack dab on the french ultramarine blue. Oh no! Now what? I grab him right away. I'm holding him in the air thinking now what?? I tuck him under my arm, grab the laptop and run into the bathroom. I google "how to clean oil paint off a cat." I have to clean him first with olive oil, then soap and water. It was quite a process since it spread before it got better. He's no worse for the wear. It was an interesting lesson. What a good boy, sitting still for me to clean him like that. It actually seemed like he thought it was fun. The challenges of working at home!


  1. Luckily he just stepped on your palette! My daughter was visiting with her cat and he stepped on one of my paintings leaving a trail of blue paw prints across the table!BTW that's exactly how I clean my brushes..I keep a jar of oil that I put them in when I'm done painting and have no worries if I don't get around to cleaning them right away. The oil actually conditions the bristles. Then I just use a bar of dove soap and rub them on it under warm water to clean them off. No stinky chemicals and my hands stay soft! Your kitty is super cute! : )

  2. That's too funny Jacqueline. It's a good lesson to learn early on. I can't even imagine the mess that I would have had if I left that out when I wasn't home to catch him! Thanks for the tips on how you clean your brushes. What kind of oil do you use? I have been using Murphy's Oil Soap the clean them, but I like your idea better in that I could leave them in oil if I don't have time to clean them right away. BTW you look far too young to have a granddaughter!!!
